RETROKID is bringing on Canadian nostalgia with its new YTV collaboration. Digging up gems that kids in the '90s would have grown up with in Canada -- you can almost hear Nicholas Picholas singing "It's letter time" -- shows like Camp Cariboo, UH-OH, Video & Arcade Top, the Halloween special Dark Night, and You Can't Do That on Television are immortalized in a series of graphic T-shirts and hoodies.
For the announcement, they even brought back the legendary PJ Phresh Phil to show off the collaboration. Known for this laid-back and personal approach to hosting the kid's program, Phil encouraged a generation to "Keep it weird" and celebrate their individuality during a time when being a "nerd" didn't quite have the same connotation as it does today.
Priced from $30 - $75 USD, the collection can be found now over at RETROKID.
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