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A New Jim Morrison Documentary Is in the Works

A documentary focusing on Jim Morrison is in the works from Jampol Artist Management (JAM, Inc.), Gunpowder & Sky, Jampol and Jeff Pollack of FourScore Entertainment.

According to reports, the forthcoming documentary is supported by the Morrison estate and will be the first to solely focus on the Doors frontman. “Jim Morrison has been known as the leather trousers-clad Dionysian rock star, the Greek god handsome, amazing singer, shaman and performer. But Jim was a polymath. Jim was a poet and a writer and a filmmaker long before he ever thought about music,” Jeff Jampol, CEO of JAM, Inc., said in a statement “All these decades everybody talked about Jim Morrison the rock star, which he certainly was. But we really felt it was time to even the playing field and talk about these other aspects of Jim, which were either not as known or celebrated or discussed.”

The feature-length docu is still untitled as of writing, however the approval of the estate means that producers will have full access to the late artist's music, poetry and art. “They just unearthed all these diaries and notes and that's what's intriguing to me: having footage, writing and information about Jim that's never been exposed," Gunpowder & Sky CEO Van Toffler added. "It takes a unique filmmaker to really pull that out. If you do it right, it doesn't really matter what preceded it -- sort of like the eighth version of A Star Is Born, it’s new to a generation.”

Elsewhere in music, Post Malone and Bas lead this week's Best New Tracks.

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