Paul Insect and AllRightsReserved have teamed up to deliver their first ever mobile automation piece entitled MOTION ALONE.
Standing at 430mm, the mixed media and marble pedestal piece highlights moveable facial features to signify people’s actions that will move them up in the world. “You can tell a lot from people’s eyes…For me, it’s all just about looking out for a better future. People longing for something better and I think that's what we all want, really," the artist said. "I suppose it all started 10 years ago. I suppose it was the dawn of social media. Everyone wanted to, all of a sudden, put their images on the internet, to show themselves. And it's usually the most happiest side of their lives, but no one really shows the darkest sides of their lives. Though in fact everyone is masking themselves off from society."
Insect continued, "A game has two sides to it, it has two faces to it. Many faces actually, and it's sort of just looking out, like my paintings, it's looking out with a slight bit of movement and stuff. Individual people having to put their own actions in place and the motion alone to move forward."
Paul Insect and AllRightsReseved's MOTION ALONE is offered in a limited edition count of 100, numbered and signed by the artist. The draw is open until May 10 on the DDT Store.
Elsewhere in art, the "ASIANS BELONG HERE" outdoor exhibition is shedding light on hate-fueled attacks against the AAPI community.
Click here to view full gallery at HYPEBEAST
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