Following its last Naruto Shippuden collaboration, Team Liquid has teamed up with Shueisha's beloved manga/anime series for another special collection.
Turning its focus on the cast of enigmatic villains, the upcoming release is centered around the Akatsuki. The street-leaning selection serves as an homage to Konan, Itachi, Kisame, Sasori, Deidara, Kakuzu, Hidan and Zetsu with their red clouds and shadow shrouds. Comprised of 20 pieces of apparel and accessories, standouts include the Tsukoyomi Itachi Packable Tech Jacket, Akatsuki Cloud Chenille Pullover Hoodie and the Zetsu Long Sleeve. Marking the release are visuals featuring King Vader, Sonii, Taya Miller, Atikhun, Hungrybox and Ovilee May
The Naruto Shippuden x Team Liquid Akatsuki collection will be available in the United States, Canada and Europe October 29, 3 p.m. EDT on Team Liquid's website.
In case you missed it, channel Charizard with Kanto Starter's CHAR FACE HOODIE.
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