Championed by The Axios Harris Poll, Americans ranked 100 of the most visible companies. Based on a survey of 42,945 Americans, the Axios Harris Poll 100 measures what people think about companies that permeate so many facets of our daily lives.
The two-step process begins each year by surveying consumer’s awareness of companies that either succeed or falter in society. This is formulated by asking respondents their opinions on which two companies have the best reputation and which two have the worst reputation. All nominations were then compiled to form the “most visible” companies. Next, brands and subsidiaries were tallied within the parent company to create a total number of nominations for each company. Then, the 100 companies were rated by a second group of Americans across seven key variables of reputation to determine each company’s Reputation Quotient (RQ) score and ranking.
The seven variables that determine RQ score and ranking were citizenship, ethics, culture, trust, vision, growth and products & services. Additionally, RQ scores were separated into seven groups. The groups are excellent (80 & above), very good (75-79), good (70-74), fair (65-69), poor (55-64), very poor (50-54) and critical (below 50).
Leading the pack with an RQ score of 82.7 was Patagonia. Patagonia was then followed by Honda, Moderna, Chick-Fil-A, SpaceX, Chewy, Pfizer, Tesla Motors, Costco and Amazon, which comprised the top 10. In last place was The Trump Organization with a score of 56.9.
In addition to ranking, the report also showcases the most visible companies by the number of nominations received, top-performing companies by dimension, company drops & improvements in RQ scores and more. For more detailed data and additional information, check out the full report.
In related news, check out this week’s business and crypto roundup.
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