The latest social media platform to have its data compromised is the audio-based platform Clubhouse. The social media platform, with its long list of celebrities and affluent users, has apparently not made any of its data private, which means that information like social media handles, names, and other profile details are all available via the app's API (application programming interface).
While initial reports from a hacker forum indicated that the data was leaked or obtained by hacking, Clubhouse has responded by declaring that the statement was "misleading and false" and that it was never "breached or hacked." While the statement does offer some clarity to the situation, it is nonetheless a cause for concern to the invite-only platform's 1.3 million users.
This is misleading and false. Clubhouse has not been breached or hacked. The data referred to is all public profile information from our app, which anyone can access via the app or our API.
— Clubhouse (@joinClubhouse) April 11, 2021
In other tech news, Facebook spent over $23 million USD on Mark Zuckerberg's security in 2020.
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